DUI: We condemn the false accusations related to the celebration of the Albanian Flag Day

DUI - headquarters / Photo: "Sloboden Pechat" - Zoran Dimovski

We clearly and unequivocally declare "DUI has nothing to do with organizing the incidents." Any statement or accusation in that direction is completely unfounded, slanderous and malicious", the political party reacts, after the VREDI Coalition previously accused that the people who burned the national flag were close associates of the former Deputy Prime Minister for Political System and Inter-Community Relations Artan Grubi.

The anti-Albanian government publicly manipulates the citizens with this, trying to divert attention from the real problem – the selective approach of the police, who arrested 17 Albanians for incidents with the national flag, but none of those who burned the Albanian flag. This strategy of the anti-Albanian government is an obvious attempt to shift the responsibility for their chaos and failure to deal with the situation. These actions represent a transparent tactic for deepening ethnic tensions and defocusing from the real problems in the country - says the reaction.

The party announced that they will take all legal measures against the accusations and demand responsibility.

- In addition, we call on the anti-Albanian government and institutions to immediately stop this dangerous rhetoric and commit to a fair, impartial and professional handling of the events. Instead of creating artificial culprits, let them focus on the investigation of all the participants in the incidents, regardless of their ethnicity or political background - DUI added.

WORTH: The people who burned the national flag are close associates of Grubi

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