The DSZI did not find any deficiencies in the treatment of the nine-year-old child who died at the Children's Clinic
The State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate (DSZI) carried out extraordinary inspections regarding the deceased child N.A. from the village of Peshirovo, Municipality of Sveti Nikole. The inspection supervision for the death of the nine-year-old child was carried out starting from the family doctor in Sveti Nikole, then at the Clinical Hospital-Stip and at the Clinic for Children's Diseases in Skopje, where he died. According to the inspection supervision, no deficiencies were found in the three institutions. After the supervision, the inspectors determined that the nine-year-old child N.A. with a family doctor was attached to the Primary Health Care Center Dr. Oliver, Sveti Nikole. He first appeared at the office this year on 14.01.2025 due to stomach pain and vomiting, coughing, high fever (39 degrees) and insomnia the previous day.
-During the examination, the child was drowsy, afebrile, with no convincing signs of dehydration. Laboratory tests were performed, after which he was given infusion therapy, during which the child developed drowsiness with a weak reaction to speech, which is why he was referred to the PHI Clinical Hospital Shtip - the press release from the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate states.
According to the report, the child was brought to the Stip Clinical Hospital by taxi, admitted in the afternoon around 18 p.m., examined by the doctor on duty, and diagnosed with somnolence.
– In the PHI University Clinic for Children's Diseases-Skopje, the child N.A. was brought on 14.01.2025 at 20:25 as an emergency case with a diagnosis of somnolence after prior notification and an appointment with a doctor on duty from the Department of Neurology of the Clinic. Upon admission, the child was in a generally serious condition, which is why rehydration and corrections of biochemical parameters were immediately started. At 22:25 there was further deterioration with respiratory and cardiac arrest, resuscitation was started, during which he was taken to the OINT for further treatment. The child's condition continued to deteriorate and despite all accompanying interventions, resuscitation was not accepted and at 23.30:XNUMX he died – say the DSZI.
From the extraordinary inspections carried out in the mentioned health institutions where the deceased nine-year-old child was treated, the State Sanitary and Health Inspectorate, in accordance with its competences, found no deficiencies.