DPA: The majority in Germany is dissatisfied with Scholz and his coalition

Germans have long been dissatisfied with their government. And in the new survey, the majority criticized the government and Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

According to a new survey, 58 percent of citizens are dissatisfied with the work of Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

Among other things, they accuse him of not having the strength to lead the government, which is shaken by frequent misunderstandings, writes "DPA".

The coalition government is functioning badly, say 62 percent of the respondents with the right to vote in the survey for the public service "ZDF".

58 percent are dissatisfied with the chancellor. Among other things, they accuse him of not having the strength to lead the government, which is shaken by frequent quarrels.

Scholz has not shown enough leadership in recent weeks, more than three-quarters of respondents said.

Recently, the coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals was rocked by a disagreement over the budget.

The budget bill was proposed by Finance Minister Christian Lindner, who is also chairman of the Liberal Entrepreneurs.

In the survey, 35 percent declared that the liberals are to blame for the quarrel, but all three parties are equally responsible.

However, the majority of as much as 74 percent believe that the coalition, despite the setback, will survive until the fall of next year, when the regular elections are scheduled.

A survey on "ZDF" with the participation of 1.344 people was conducted by the Wallen research center from August 12 to 14.

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