Homemade kachamak: The best recipe for the traditional Macedonian breakfast

Photo: Profimedia

Kachamak is a traditional Macedonian dish made from cornmeal, served with cheese, milk, cream, bacon, dzimirinki... there are countless variations. A dish that many generations have grown up with, and is usually served for breakfast. It's quick to make, so it's always the first choice when you're thinking about what to eat. This dish belongs to the traditional dishes of Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Turkey.

Various side dishes can be added to the porridge, such as: cheese, fried lard, fried bacon, gingerbread, sour cream and cream. This is a delicious bakrdanik prepared in the Macedonian way.


- 200 grams of corn flour
- 500 ml
- salt
– 50 grams of dry bacon
– 100 grams of hard cheese
- 2 tablespoons of gimmicks
- 2 tablespoons of cream or sour cream


Pour water into the pot and add salt. When it boils, gradually add the flour and constantly, a little faster, mix with a whisk, while reducing the heat. Cook the porridge for about 5 minutes. Then reduce the temperature and stir until the mixture thickens. Get away from the fire. Melt the bacon in a pan until it becomes crispy. Take out the bacon and add the mushrooms to the fat to heat well, being careful not to burn them. Get off the stove. In the bowl in which you will serve, put some cheese and cream on the bottom and pour the porridge on top. Put some mushrooms and fried bacon. In the middle, add cheese, sour cream, bacon and jimirinki again. Top with kachamak and sprinkle with cheese, add the cream or sour cream, jimirinki and bacon.

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