"Until you go bankrupt, you have to spend a salary of 9.000 euros": Mitko Janchev is outraged by the management of "Fenny"

Mitko Jancev, VMRO-DPMNE, Mayor of Kavadarci / Morning briefing

The mayor of Kavadarci, Mitko Janchev, at today's session of the municipal council, announced a meeting in the government tomorrow with Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski and with the new owner of the former metallurgical giant "Fenny". The topic will be the start of work on the nickel smelting furnace at the plant in Kavadarci.

The new owner will also visit the factory. Janchev also announced the payment of back wages for the employees within the bankruptcy, which was opened on the capacity, before its sale. The possibility of compensating the ore transporters, who are demanding money for the transport from before the bankruptcy procedure, will also be discussed. Janchev said that the new investor has so far invested around 45 million euros in the ferronickel plant.

The mayor called for accountability as to why there was no financial control over the operations of "Fenny" in the past period, and according to him, there was suspicion of hidden profit. He publicly called on the institutions to investigate the case, to control how the bankruptcy came about and "to see who took the cream".

- Imagine, until the very bankruptcy of "Fenny", until the day of the opening of bankruptcy, to spend nine thousand euros on your salary. At the same time, having no production for nine months, said Janchev, commenting on the management contracts.

Janchev also referred to what kind of contracts the transporters once signed for the transport of ore and clarified the disadvantage in those contracts, adding that someone profited from them. Before the bankruptcy, about 800 people worked in "Fenny".

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