Wild racing is the most popular "sport" in the summer period in the city after Chara

Slipping of the wheels or, popularly speaking, screeching of the tires along the main boulevards around Tetovo, sudden starts with a lot of noise from vehicles with retrofitted mufflers, lowered bodywork in the shape of sports vehicles. This is a common picture in Tetovo, especially in the evening.

Citizens say that this kind of wild driving through the streets destroys their peace and security.

"On the one hand, Teto is like Las Vegas with a bunch of casinos and sports betting, and now at this time of the year the streets have been converted into driving lanes, but in this case, wild driving. You just fell asleep after 2:XNUMX a.m. because you can't even earlier because it's chaos outside and then in a few minutes you are woken up by screeching tires and the like. The police should be constantly on duty and punish the participants of such wild races on the spot, says one resident of Tetovo.

From the Traffic Police, they say that at this time of the year, when the migrant workers have arrived, there are wild races. Their teams are constantly on the ground and take measures within their capacities.

"To prove that it is a wild race is a little more difficult, and in addition, there is no such category in the law as a wild race." In the past period, I can say approximately for two or three weeks, we have temporarily impounded about 32 vehicles that are suspected of having participated in those wild races and all of them have been referred to an extraordinary technical examination. They received certain fines related to a technical defect, and if we further determine that it is a certain noise, then we have the right to keep them in the police station for up to three months. These vehicles were seized on suspicion of a technical defect, so they are vehicles that modified with changed depreciation, lowered vehicles, upgraded mufflers, everything that is not in the legal norms. But we usually take them away for a duration of 3 days, until an extraordinary technical inspection is carried out and it is returned to its original condition, and for them we issue an appropriate fine, said Zorancho Talev, commander of RSBPS Tetovo.

The usual gathering place for such races are gas stations where the vehicles are grouped and then run wild through the highways, but also the boulevards through Polozko. A large part of the participants in the wild races are vehicles with foreign license plates.

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