Pest control in the Center, the manholes are "cleaned" of rodents

Photo: Municipality of Centar

The Municipality of Centar has started with autumn extermination, first in the settlements of Bunjakovec and Majir Maalo, which will be carried out during this month and which will cover all shafts in its territory.

Pest control is carried out by municipal services in order to destroy harmful rodents, insects and to prevent the possible occurrence of infectious diseases. This is one of the general measures that the municipality undertakes to protect the population from infectious diseases in accordance with the Program for the activities of the Municipality of Center in the field of health care for 2024.

The Municipality of Centar informs the citizens that during the deratization process, a preparation is used from a certified manufacturer that treats the rodent population, issued with the approval of the Ministry of Health, which does not pose a danger to the rest of the animal world.

Pest control in the Municipality of Centar is carried out twice a year in the spring and autumn.

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