Saint Mary Magdalene is celebrated today

St. Mary Magdalene

Myrrh-bearer equal to the apostles. She was born in the town of Magdala near the Lake of Gennesaret, from the Issachar tribe, which is why she was called Magdalena. She was previously tormented by seven evil spirits, from which the Lord Jesus freed her and made her healthy. Faithful follower and servant of the Lord during His earthly life. He stood under the Cross of Calvary together with the Holy Mother of God and grieved bitterly. After the Lord's death, he visited His grave three times. When the Lord rose again, she saw Him twice: once while she was alone, and the second time together with the other Myrrh-bearing women. He traveled to Rome, appeared before Caesar Tiberius and, handing him a red colored egg, greeted him with the words: "Christ is risen!" Then he accused Pilate before Caesar of the unjust condemnation of the Lord Jesus. Caesar accepted her accusation and moved Pilate from Palestine to Gaul, where this unjust judge ended his life, in imperial disfavor and in a serious illness. Then from Rome he returned to Ephesus to Saint John the Theologian, whom he helped in the work of preaching the Gospel. With great love for the resurrected Lord and with great zeal, he preached the Gospel to the world, as a true apostle of Christ. She rested peacefully, in Ephesus, and according to tradition, she was buried in the same cave in which the seven children were miraculously put to sleep in a hundred-year sleep, then revived, then died again (August 17). The relics of Saint Mary Magdalene were later transferred to Constantinople. Near the Garden of Gethsemane there is a beautiful Russian temple dedicated to this saint.

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