Today the Holy Martyr Eusignius is celebrated

Holy Martyr Eusignius

He was a soldier with Emperor Maximian, Emperor Constantine the Great and his sons. He was present at the martyrdom of the holy martyr Vasilisk (May 22) when he saw a multitude of Angels and the Lord Jesus Himself receiving the souls of this Holy Martyr from the angels. He was fighting for Emperor Constantine and saw the cross that appeared to the emperor. After serving in the army for sixty years, during the reign of the sons of Constantine he retired from military service and settled in Antioch, his hometown. Here he spent his life pleasing to God, in fasting, prayer and good deeds. In the time of Julian the Apostate, two quarrelsome people on the street took him as their judge. He decreed justice for the righteous, so that the wicked one was angry, went to the emperor and accused Eusignius of being a Christian. The emperor summoned him to court, and he rebuked the emperor for his terrible apostasy and rebuked him with the shining example of the great Constantine. Outraged, Julian ordered that his head be cut off. St. Eusignius suffered and moved to the Kingdom of Heaven in old age, in 362.

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