Today it is celebrated: Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Amatun

Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Amatunt
Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Amatunt

Miracle Worker. After the death of Blessed Memnonius, Tikhon was unanimously elected bishop of the diocese of Amatunta, and dedicated it to the famous Epiphanius. For this act they recommended his pure life and great zeal for Orthodoxy. At that time, there were still pagans on the island of Cyprus. Saint Tikhon made an apostolic effort to convert the unbelievers into the faithful. And there was great success at that time. After the long deeds of the vineyard of the Lord, he moved to the blissful eternity, around 425. He was called the Miracle Worker because of the many miracles he performed during his lifetime. His father was a baker. Whenever he left it in the shop, he distributed the bread to the poor. Once his father rebuked him for it. And he prayed to God, and filled their storehouses with grain, so that they could hardly open it. Another time, he planted dry sticks in the vineyard, and from them a vine grew green and in its time brought forth fruit.

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