Today is celebrated the Holy Great Martyr Zlata Meglenska

The Holy Great Martyr Zlata Meglenska
The Holy Great Martyr Zlata Meglenska

She was born in the village of Slatina, in the Meglen district, to poor village parents, who had three more daughters. Saint Zlata was a meek and pious girl, wise with the wisdom of Christ and golden not only in name but also in God-fearing heart. Once, when she came out of the water, she was caught by some shameless Turks and dragged to her house. When one of them offered to convert to Islam and be his wife, she boldly replied: "I believe in Christ, I only know about Him and He is my Bridegroom. I will never give up on Him, even if you put me in a thousand torments and cut me to pieces. and you and we, and the Lord is merciful, will forgive you for your sin if you do it at the cost of your life. ”And his parents, sisters, and relatives wept bitterly. But the chivalrous soul of the holy Gold did not allow itself to be defeated by the devil's traps. He replied to his parents: “As soon as you advise me to renounce Christ Who is the true God, you are no longer my parents or sisters; My father is the Lord Jesus Christ, my mother is the Mother of God, and my brothers and sisters are the saints. ”The Turks then threw her in prison, where she lay for three months, and beat her every day until her blood soaked the ground. Finally, they hung her head and put her on fire to suffocate from the smoke. But the Lord was with her and gave her strength in her suffering. Finally, they hung it on a tree and cut it all into pieces. Thus, this masculine virgin surrendered her spirit to God and moved to paradise in 1796. Pieces of her relics were blown by Christians for blessing in their homes.

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