Today, the second external matriculation exam is being taken

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The high school graduates will take the second external exam today from 10 am. It is optional and they could choose one of the seven subjects offered.

According to the data of the State Examination Center, as in previous years, the most registered (13) are for the English language exam, 922 for Mathematics, 1397 for French, 29 for German, 122 for Russian, 17 for Aesthetics and Seven high school graduates will take philosophy.

15 high school graduates were registered to take the state matriculation exam in the June exam period this year. Of these, 620 are from high school education, 6750 from vocational secondary education and 8598 from secondary artistic education.

On May 27, the first external exam - Mother tongue and literature, which is mandatory for all high school graduates, was held. 10 high school graduates were registered for Macedonian language and literature, 768 for Albanian language and literature, and 4380 for Turkish language and literature.

The results of the tests for the two external exams will be published no later than one month after the second external exam, ie by July 10.

Graduates who will not pass the matriculation exam in June or not in full, will have a second chance in the August exam session, the exams will be on August 9 and 11.

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