Today we celebrate the Holy Apostles Archip, Philemon and Apphia

The Holy Apostles Archip, Philemon and Apphia

Archip was one of the Seventy. The Apostle Paul mentions him in the Epistle to the Colossians and in the Epistle to Philemon, calling him a comrade in war. Philemon's house was the center of Christianity in the city of Colossae. Here Christians gathered for prayer. This is what St. Paul mentions when he writes to Philemon: "Your home church." At that time the apostles ordained their disciples as bishops, some of them in permanent places, and some as traveling missionaries in various places. Philemon was one of the latter. His wife Apfia fasted and served the home Church. At the time of a feast of the pagan goddess Artemis, all the faithful in Colossae were gathered together at the house of Philemon for prayer. The Gentiles learned of this congregation, and they rushed in and persecuted the Christians. Philemon, Archip, and Apphia, as leaders, first beat them, then buried them to the ground and began to stone them. So they killed Philemon and Apophia, and Archip was taken out of the hole barely alive, for the entertainment of the children. The children stabbed him all with knives. In this way this comrade of Paul in warfare completed his struggle and the way of earthly life well, and presented himself to the Lord.

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