Dauti resigned, Gashi barely accepted it
The Chairwoman of the Social Policy Committee, Ilire Dauti, after submitting her resignation, asked to explain it to the MPs, but Speaker Afrim Gashi first refused to acknowledge the irrevocable resignation and then allowed her to explain it, and he to acknowledge it.
The MP Ilire Dauti is finally no longer the chairwoman of the Social Policy Committee after resigning from her position, although the Parliament voted no confidence in her a week ago, but the Speaker of the Parliament Afrim Gashi He blocked the procedure because he claimed that the interpellation had no legal effect. Dauti's resignation did not go without drama in the Assembly, as Gashi first refused to acknowledge the MP's irrevocable resignation and then allowed her to explain it, and he to acknowledge it.

A commotion broke out in front of the parliamentary rostrum, with Dauti's colleagues led by the former Speaker of the Parliament Talat Xhafer They waved the Rules of Procedure and pointed to the Gashi that he is wrong, and MPs from VMRO-DPMNE They shouted that the MP was violating the Rules of Procedure. Doughty She is the first female president of a Commission to be voted out of office and to resign from her position herself, after Gashi caused confusion by saying that the interpellation did not mean that Dauti should be dismissed as president.
While the MPs were setting the agenda for the session, Dauti procedurally announced from the parliamentary podium that she had submitted an irrevocable resignation from the position of Chair of the Commission and that she would not leave the podium until she explained her resignation. She accused Gashi of keeping her in office by force, because he had not acknowledged her resignation at the beginning of the session.
– I do not know for what reasons you, Afrim Gashi, did not state my dismissal at the beginning of the session, because this morning I submitted an irrevocable resignation and I am requesting 15 minutes to explain my resignation – said Dauti in a procedural address.
Gashi responded that he received the resignation letter before the session and that he would confirm it at the next session and she would be able to address the MPs.
– You should have stated the resignation at this session, I am not leaving the podium – said Douty.

Gashi responded that the agenda is being determined at the moment, at the current session, and that Dauti has not submitted a proposal to supplement the agenda. He maintained that her resignation will be confirmed at the next session, on January 21.
– You cannot hold me by force, Mr. Afrim Gashi. Learn to respect the Rules of Procedure, laws and procedures. You cannot hold me by force either, Micevski, without a doubt my voice will be heard here for the bad act you committed, shame on you. You asked for my dismissal and you cannot hold me by force. I am neither yours, nor Apasiev's, nor Micevski's, nor Gashi's, nor ZNAM's. I demand that I explain my resignation – said Dauti, and she added to Micevski that no one was asking him and that now it was her turn to speak. According to her, this behavior of the government shows democracy in Macedonia, but also that fellow MPs are making themselves judges.
After several MPs came to the floor, Gashi announced a break to agree on how to continue. After the break, Gashi said he would make a concession and still acknowledge MP Dauti's resignation and allow her to explain it. The ruling MPs from VMRO-DPMNE and from I KNOW They demonstratively left the hall before Douty could explain his resignation.
In explaining her irrevocable resignation, Dauti said that it was incomprehensible to her why she was not dismissed from office during a voted interpellation.
– For me, the dismissal from office was clear after the voted interpellation. To be objective, I consulted with experts and they emphasized that two moments were crucial – the interpellation was voted with 61 votes and the decision that the interpellation is final. The Elections and Appointments Commission, on the other hand, is competent for dismissal. The Elections and Appointments Commission does not have the competence for dismissal after a voted interpellation because the plenum makes a final decision and this functions in a democratic state. If we lived in such a state, this would not have happened, which is why I resigned – said Dauti.

According to her, the height of shame was the conclusion after the interpellation that she could continue as the chairwoman of the Social Policy Committee. Regarding the Law on Veterans, she said that she used all the opportunities in accordance with the Rules of Procedure, in order to raise the level of debate regarding the need to treat both sides of the 2001 war equally. She added that as an MP she was correct and did not say that she was against the security forces, but rather asked that the NLA soldiers be included.
– Why didn't Apasiev, the coordinator of VMRO-DPMNE, ZNAM and other MPs regarding the Law on Veterans, request that the item be put on the agenda? I would have added the item to the agenda, but the question arises – why didn't the MPs request it – said Dauti.
She told the ruling MPs that it didn't matter to her that they had fled the chamber, because she didn't need their opinion. Dauti called the MPs who voted for the interpellation "disrespectful," and President Gashi was also given the same epithet.
– You, disrespectful Gashi, tell the Albanians why you needed the conclusion of the interpellation session – said Dauti.
Gashi replied that he would not stoop to her level.
– I note that Dauti's mandate as Chair of the Social Policy Committee is being terminated – said the Speaker of the Parliament.
Dauti's interpellation was submitted by the parliamentary group Levica, because it refused to put the law on veterans on the agenda of the Commission. The Assembly concluded that the allegations in the interpellation were well-founded. Levica, VMRO-DPMNE, ZNAM and SDSM believed that after the vote of no confidence in Dauti, she should no longer be the president of the Commission, while for Gashi and Vredi the interpellation has no legal effect.
After this positioning of Gashi, SDSM does not rule out the possibility that after six months from the first interpellation for the Speaker of the Parliament, he could "earn" a new one.