Dumbeter assimilation and Bulgarianization?!

Mendo Dimovski
Mendo Dimovski, Photo: Archive

Who knows what kind of "party" neighbor Bulgaria is giving us with the veto and with the opening of "cultural clubs" and "non-governmental" associations and organizations with the names of proven bloodsuckers and fascist characters from the past?!

When something is declared and defined, when it is regulated by a law or by another legal act that is bilaterally and internationally signed and recognized by agreement, when both parties agree and are satisfied with the legalization and implementation of what was agreed, it is really not necessary to throw away doubt that someone behind the scenes is hiding something and working to eliminate legality?! This is especially significant if one of the parties, in this case the Republic of Bulgaria, is a member of the European Union, which I believe immediately took an oath upon admission that it will fully respect the postulates on which the Union rests and fight uncompromisingly for the realization of European values?!

This is how the Union should function, but also the democracy that they talk about with their mouths full and should be spread by the accessions, and not, as it is now, by the offenders of these principles?! So, things are not going as they should be with respect to legality and the principles of democracy?! Some studies show and predict that if there is no adherence to these, even to some other principles expressed in the mind, neither the EU will remain the EU, nor will anyone want to become its member?!

Probably, the "disintegration" of the Union started because of the lack of rule of law and justice, or is something else at stake?! Still no one knows and cannot claim what the truth is, but one thing is clear and certain that Great Britain, by leaving the Union, announced this process, which may be a last warning and a chance for the Union to strengthen its ranks or, on the other hand, to surrendered to natural laws?!

Well, I wanted to say this as an occasion and an introduction to what it should be, and it is not the European Union, to which our country has been associated for years and hopes to become its member soon. But there is a big obstacle from the Bulgarian side with a cemented and extremely conditional veto for the start of negotiations with the EU, which in all aspects is not in accordance with European values ​​and principles, and Europe seems not to be able to detect it or deliberately protects it, knowing about our compromising tolerance, already checked with the Prespa Agreement?!

The most painful and unforgivable is the encroachment of the Bulgarians on our fundamental values ​​and the attempt to re-assimilate and Bulgarianize Macedonia, which began with the fascist occupation of our country, in which Bulgaria played the main role. And what is the condition for lifting the current veto for the beginning of negotiations by erasing the history of the Bulgarian occupation, with the recognition that our language was Bulgarian, what were our roots?! Well, that, unfortunately, cannot be discovered and perceived by Europe, which is supposedly fighting for the opposite, on which its existence is based?!

On the other hand (that is, from the first), our leadership, as if it is not ours and perhaps for justified motives, does not give resistance, but requires some other support?! I can't understand how after so many years honest and smart people could not find the essence of the dispute and resolve it to mutual satisfaction?! To tell the truth, there were, not because there were no such attempts, but there were no real leaders?! I don't want to mention some characters, who did everything (for themselves) to do nothing (for the country)?! And everything has gone to the point of no return?!

I almost forgot the main point of my speech. In fact, I wanted to briefly retell the story of a living witness of the violent assimilation of our population, who personally experienced it and reacts with revolt to the current fascisization and Bulgarianization of Macedonia! The shocking story began with the memory of the occupation and the introduction of a Bulgarian administration with a "desire for their upbringing and education" everywhere in schools. The Bulgarian teacher enters and instead of greeting the students, he gives intonation and the Bulgarian anthem must be sung loudly and clearly. Then the check of those present begins. Everyone stood up and introduced themselves according to the teacher's request: I'm a Bulgarian and my name is Blagojce! And so in order from the first to the last student...

Finally, I wonder and I ask you, was this assimilation and Bulgarianization or "cultural entertainment" for elementary school students and other older students?! Who knows what kind of "party" neighbor Bulgaria is giving us with the veto and with the opening of "cultural clubs" and "non-governmental" associations and organizations with the names of proven bloodsuckers and fascist characters from the past?!

No, it wasn't, and I'm telling you that this hole in this drum - the solution, it's not a hole?! The European emissaries also claim the same "without bribery and money", so that a stronger wind does not blow with a dumber for our assimilation and Bulgarianization!

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