A sense of proportion

Aleksandar Litovski
Aleksandar Litovski / Photo: Free Press

The city has shown and proved countless times the lack of a sense of true measure in relation to really great and valuable people. And a city without big people is not a city, but, no matter how demographically and spatially large, it is just an ordinary - a province.

From the existence or non-existence of the sense of proportion, a distinction is made between the cultured and the simple man, between the stupid and the intelligent, between the good and the evil, between the citizen and the petty bourgeois. Hence, according to the amount of practicing that feeling in everyday life, the difference is made between the cultural city and the small town. The sense of proportion in the political and intellectual caste, if any, allows the city, its real size and its real meaning, to get the right shape, which in turn is the basis for proper planning of future development. Unfortunately, we have to admit, the sense of proportion is not very developed in our self-centered city. It even seems to be absent from ordinary petty bourgeois, semi-politicians and semi-intellectuals.

Therefore, when the various local cultural-historical and social phenomena are explained in our self-absorbed city, it is done according to the "law" of exaggeration from the position of the exclusivist parish cultural circle and the idealistic petty bourgeois (self) isolation, so those phenomena are idealized and hyperbolized. Thus, from local-patriotic positions, dwarf city parasports and paracultural "greatnesses" are shouted to the measure, shouted semi-intellectuals and real thugs and criminals. Our petty bourgeois, due to their own lack of a sense of proportion, do not realize that the city has more valuable things to be proud of than the city walls, church frescoes and below-average city follies and prostitutes from various walks of life. In fact, due to such local-patriotic positions of our petty bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie, the phenomena are not valorized according to their quality, but according to their political conjuncture. And that is, without any doubt, the most ephemeral, the most passable and the most opportunistic moment in the city duration.

The sense of proportion, in fact, should mean that the citizens really know how capable they are and how much they are worth, hence how much they deserve and how much they can get. Every educated person from this small town should treat with respect and esteem all his fellow citizens, but especially he should do so to those who selflessly contribute to the common good of all citizens and who "propagate" the name of the City with their works and with his work all over the world. The city, unfortunately for us, has shown and proved countless times the lack of a sense of real measure in the attitude towards its truly deserving citizens, towards its really great and valuable people. And a city without big people is not a city, but, no matter how demographic and spatially big it is, it is just an ordinary province. To become a real city, he will have to start celebrating and honoring his great people, glorifying them and building an eternal memory on them.

The people of our psychotic city are exposed to a multitude of nervous and painful conditions. Many petty bourgeois have a mental state with all the elements of an injured, rotten, wounded psyche, which Freud calls trauma. Such urban traumas, very often, manifest themselves either as a melancholy feeling of being trampled, or as a euphoric feeling in which one's "self" and one's own subjective functions are exaggerated. In both cases there is a complete loss of sense of proportion. In fact, people here in our sad city have no measure, because they get lost in the facades, stones and bricks of buildings, in the "glorious city past", in the daily race for money, property and light and superficial entertainment. The man here in our ruthless city is subject to the "laws" of petty bourgeoisie and disappears into the "black holes" of malice, envy and crime.

In short, in this city where the majority are small townspeople, the sense of proportion is lacking and therefore that feeling should begin, as soon as possible, to be cultivated and favored. Of course, if those in power have an idea to take such an action and transform the province into a City. Again, unfortunately, knowing the mentality and incompetence of the rulers, the realization of such hopes is very unlikely.

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