Who are you, to whom do you bring health? - read more about chia seeds

chia seeds
chia seeds / Magone / Alamy / Alamy / Profimedia

Until recently, they were an almost unknown food, and if you said that you eat chia seeds, people would probably look at you in amazement. Today, this "black gold" can hardly be missed, especially in smoothies, granules, crackers, yogurts…

Chia seeds are synonymous with healthy food, fast and nutritious meal, but also not very popular taste. Namely, if you make chia pudding only from chia seeds and milk - there will be no taste. I know this for sure, because the first time I made chia pudding for my daughter, I wondered why she spat on it. Well те Guess why. Because the chia itself, seeks "company". Fruit, honey, whatever your soul desires.

chia pudding
chia pudding / printscreen / youtube

By itself, chia absorbs almost 12 times more fluid than its weight, so it is a good base for pudding. Today we place it in the category of superfoods, and the happy fact is that it can be included in the diet in different ways, and not become boring. If you have not tried chia before, we will suggest you a simple recipe for chia pudding.

But first let's present a few facts.

Humans have been consuming chia seeds for thousands of years. Its herb grows near the equator, near Mexico, Bolivia, Ecuador. The Mayans and Aztecs included it in their diet and even in drinks before it was known as it is now. Chia seeds contain many nutrients. One tablespoon of them has 5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which except through fish, we do not have too much choice from where to get this important ingredient. In addition to omega acid, chia contains protein and calcium.

And now, a recipe

To make a quick, simple and delicious meal for dinner, we suggest you chia - pudding.

Ingredients needed:

  • 3 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 200 ml milk (you can cow, coconut, almond)
  • 1 banana
  • 1 handful of red fruit
  • a drop of vanilla
  • coconut flour


Put chia seeds in a bowl and soak it in milk. Add a drop of vanilla and stir. Leave to stand and swell for at least 1 hour, preferably in the refrigerator. Then, after it becomes like a pudding, chop the banana and add the red fruit of your choice. Stir, sprinkle with coconut flour and - bon bon appetite.

Fast, healthy and easy. Enjoy!

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