Salman Rushdie's heartbroken fourth wife publishes 'revenge memoir' after divorce

Photo: MARCEL ANTONISSE/AFP Photo: Profimedia/Instagram

The writer Salman Rushdie, who was attacked with a knife the day before yesterday in New York, married four times. The fourth wife was the actress Padma Pakshmi. These are the details of their relationship story.

"It was wonderful for me because I finally had someone who understood me because he was also from India, also lived on West and he was very good at balancing those two worlds," Padma Lakshmi told the magazine People in 2016, talking about his memoir "Love, Loss and What We Ate" (Love, Loss and What We Ate).

The actress and the writer met in 1999 at a party in New York. At the time he was still married to his third wife, Elizabeth West. Padma was then an aspiring model and actress. In 2006 he played alongside Mariah Carey in the film "Glitter", and then got a role in the culinary show "Top Chef", to which she devoted 15 years and which marked her career.

The couple had their first meeting in Central Park and then had intimate relations.

"He seduced me with his words," she told People.

She pointed out that she adores his dignity and the attitude he has towards major world conflicts.

"He's young at heart," she said, defending him as he was attacked for showing up at Hollywood parties.

“The only reason Salman goes out clubbing is because I take him there, he just loves his books. He really misses the library in England", she said and pointed out that he is the best thing that happened in her life and that the fact that someone of his caliber paid attention to her was really amazing.

Photo: Andrea Renault/ Zuma Press/ Photo: Profimedia

Padma and Salman's romance lasted from 1999 to 2007. After three years of living together, the couple got married in April 2004. Unfortunately, this love story did not have a happy ending.

According to Padma, the first years of their marriage were "blissful". However, as she wrote in her memoir, health and professional problems disrupted their relationship. Padma suffers from endometriosis, a painful disorder of the uterus. She had terrible chronic pain and was forced not to get out of bed for a certain period of time. The health condition prevented her from having sexual relations.

In the memoir that The Guardian listed as a "revenge memoir", she wrote that Salman called her marriage a bad investment because of her health problems and that he responded to her saying that she was sick and couldn't have sex with the style of "interesting you say that now". . She revealed that she had to console him every year after he lost the race for The Nobel Prize.

"I think Salman took it personally and I think he feels rejected and I can understand that," the actress later said.


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He wrote about their relationship in the third person in a book published in 2012.

"Her feelings for him were real, but intermittent. She was ambitious in a way that often erased her feelings. And in the end, inevitably, she breaks his heart like he broke Elizabeth's."

Padma emphasized that his resentment in the marriage grew as her career progressed, and it was important for her to build her own identity. He once said that being second fiddle did not suit her at all.

According to her words, she loves him and considers him a member of her family. Padma Lakshmi meanwhile got married and had a daughter. Rushdi is the father of two children.

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