Brutal violence in a Velez primary school, the Prosecutor's Office initiated a procedure

"Blaje Koneski" elementary school in Veles / photo: Google Street View

The Veles Basic Public Prosecutor's Office initiated a pre-investigation procedure for student violence in a Veles school. In the procedure, several actions are being taken for this case by several persons and institutions, announced OJO-Veles.

Cvetanka Bogoveska, public prosecutor for the area of ​​the Municipality of Veles, said today that on Friday, December 6, the police sent a notification to the Public Prosecutor's Office of Veles about an incident in which a peer and classmate at OOU "Blaje Koneski" beat and seriously injured a 12-year-old child.

The incident happened on November 20 at the school, when during recess, the 12-year-old student injured a peer from the class and caused a serious injury to his head.

The injured student from the General Hospital in Veles was immediately transferred to the Neurology Clinic in Skopje, from where, after a few days of hospital stay, he was released for home treatment.

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