The security of Russian facilities in Syria is a top priority for the Kremlin

Tass reports that the spokesman of the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov, stated that Russia is closely monitoring the developments in Syria and maintains contact with those who currently control the situation. "It is necessary because our bases are there, our diplomatic missions are there," he said.

Peskov declined to say how many Russian troops are in Syria, insisting that is a matter for the Russian Defense Ministry. He also declined to say how relations with the rebel leadership in Syria are developing, telling reporters "too little time has passed so far ... so I can't say anything in detail."

Russian naval base Tartus Syria printscreen IX

Russia has a major air base in Latakia province and a naval facility in Tartus, which Reuters says is Russia's only Mediterranean repair and replenishment center.

The Kremlin spokesman said that Israel's actions in the occupied Golan Heights and buffer zone are unlikely to contribute to stabilizing the situation in Syria.

Israel has launched a ground invasion of the UN-supervised buffer zone that separates Syria from the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. It is about the territory that Israel took from Syria in 1967 and unilaterally annexed in 1981.

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