Aoun asks Macron to oblige Israel to respect ceasefire with Lebanon

Lebanese President Joseph Aoun today asked his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron to oblige Israel to implement the ceasefire agreement with Hezbollah in order to preserve stability in the region.

Macron told Aoun in a phone call that he was continuing communication with officials to ensure peace was maintained, Reuters reported.

Earlier today, the Israeli military warned Lebanese citizens not to return to villages near the border until further notice, while the Lebanese army accused Israel of delaying the withdrawal of troops from southern Lebanon, which was supposed to be completed tomorrow as part of a ceasefire with Hezbollah, Tanjug reports.

The accusations came a day after Israeli authorities said the Israeli military would not withdraw from Lebanon until tomorrow, violating a peace agreement with Hezbollah that required Israeli troops to leave southern Lebanon 60 days after a ceasefire reached on November 27.

Under the ceasefire agreement, the Israeli army is to hand over its positions in southern Lebanon to the Lebanese army by January 26, and Hezbollah is to withdraw north of the Litani River, about 30 kilometers from the border with Israel. However, Israel has reportedly requested a 30-day extension of the ceasefire agreement, arguing that the Lebanese army is deploying too slowly across the region, giving Hezbollah time to regroup.

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