Astrological trinity: What do the solar, lunar and sign mean?

Horoscope, Photo: PxFuel

When we dive into astrology to get to know each other better, we reach for the characteristics of the sun sign, but the astrological identity is read from the full natal chart. Although such a feat is too much for beginners, try to get acquainted first by researching the sign of the moon and the sign. You both need the time of birth and any calculator on the Internet. The astrological trinity is the introduction you need to astrology.

Sun sign: The center of your personal system

Sun signs are by far the most famous part of natal charts when it comes to astrology. For some people, this is the only sign they are familiar with. There is a reason why the sun sign is so famous in astrology. Just as the sun is the center of our solar system, your sun sign represents the essence of who you are. The sun in the natal chart it symbolizes the vitality, life force, spirit, intellect and identity of man.

Your sun sign rules over your ego and sense of self, as well as your sense of creativity, vitality and drive. It speaks to the purpose of your life and what motivates you. The sun sign in astrology is ultimately considered our highest expression of ourselves.

horoscope Libra mercury
PHOTO: Pixabay

Moon sign: Your shadow

As the moon in the sky rules over the night and all that is hidden in the shadows, so your moon sign rules over you. It refers to the private and emotional parts of us. The moon represents the mother / mother energy in our natal charts. Corresponds to early life when our existence depends on the support of caregivers. It also symbolizes our past, our home and our comfort zone.

It is the embodiment of our desires and emotions, our memories - everything that we keep inside and do not show to others. In other words, the moon in astrology rules over your intimate side, everything that makes us vulnerable. Manages the darker parts to which only the closest people have access. The signs of the moon tell us how we process emotions and can give a lot of insight into how one functions intuitively.

Lunar zodiac energy can be manifested in many different ways, depending on which element rules your moon sign. Aquatic moons are often very empathetic and in need of emotional validation while terrestrial moons generally find comfort through financial security. On the other side, fiery and airy signs feel happiest when they are relieved of responsibility and can express the true self.

NASA moon flood
PHOTO: EPA-EFE / Carlos Lemos

Note: You at first glance

Your sign is the sign that rules the first house on your natal chart (where it starts). This point symbolizes the union of spirit and body. The sign is the sign that rose on the horizon at the moment you took your first breath and it is one of the most important astrological areas.

The sign symbolizes the parts of you that immediately appear on the surface, for example how you look to others, how you react to things you are not prepared for, how you treat other people and your overall behavior. It symbolizes the body, its appearance and the "mask". Think of it as a sign of a first impression. The sign is the mask we wear when we first meet someone, to protect our inner selves. The sign is a part of us that we show to the world.

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