Analysis: DUI warned of unforeseeable consequences after the repeal of the Law on Languages

constitutional court / Photo: Sloboden pechat - Dragan Mitreski
constitutional court / Photo: Sloboden pechat - Dragan Mitreski

The Constitutional Court of Macedonia decided on December 11 to review the constitutionality of the Law on the Use of Languages ​​- one of the key pillars of the Ohrid Framework Agreement and inter-ethnic harmony. Any attempt to repeal any provision of this law is not only a legal act, but represents a direct blow to the stability and peace that this country has built with many sacrifices, said the DUI.

- I can't say that the DUI sent threats to the Constitutional Court, but this party warned of unforeseeable consequences if the Law on the Use of Languages ​​is partially repealed and as they say, "the Albanian language in Macedonia is abolished." I am not sure that this is so, here I mean the part about the repeal of the law, but the Albanian judges, who are three in number, have announced that they will boycott this session, so a tense atmosphere is already being created. During the commemoration of the Day of the Albanian Flag, we saw that individuals can very easily violate public security, so I think that on December 11, a situation could be created that would disturb public order and peace - says the journalist of Sloboden Pechat, Srdjan Ivanovic.

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