Anna Wintour is almost impossible to see without sunglasses: Now she revealed why she wears them on all occasions

Anna Wintour/Photo: Profimedia

Vogue editor Anna Wintour, who has been called the ice queen of fashion, is almost impossible to see without sunglasses. Now he decided to find out why he wears them on all occasions.

"They help me see and they help me not see." They help me to be seen and not to be seen."

People often perceive her as someone who looks down on everyone and is feared by everyone. She stated that this is not true. There is also a myth in the fashion industry that no one can say "no" to Anna.

"That is absolutely false. I get told "no" a lot, but that's a good thing. "'No' is a wonderful word," she said.

When asked if she plans to retire from the fashion industry or continue working into her ninth decade, she said she's not going anywhere anytime soon.

She has been the editor of Vogue since 1988. For decades, she has been at the forefront of the most prestigious fashion events, and the dream of many designers around the world is to collaborate with her. She mentioned that so far she has probably spent a year of her life waiting for the shows to start.

She told how on one occasion she got angry with Marc Jacobs who was an hour and a half late to the fashion show. The following season, he apologized and canceled the show.

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