The US administration has allowed companies under contract to maintain US weapons in Ukraine
The administration of US President Joseph Biden has decided to allow contracted US military industry companies to work in Ukraine to maintain and repair weapons provided by the Pentagon, unnamed US officials told Reuters today.
A US official, who did not want to be named, said there would be fewer of them in Ukraine, they would be located far from the front lines and they would not be involved in conflicts.
"The small number of U.S. firms in Ukraine performing maintenance away from the front lines will help ensure that U.S.-supplied equipment is quickly repaired if damaged and maintained as needed," the official said.
The White House plans to deliver billions of dollars in military aid to Ukraine under President Joseph Biden, who leaves office in January, Reuters reported.
As unnamed officials told the agency, aid shipments to Ukraine are being rushed to bolster the government in Kiev ahead of Trump's inauguration on January 20.
Trump has criticized Biden's aid to Ukraine, which has raised concerns about the future of American support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky when the White House, the Senate and possibly the House of Representatives are under Republican control, Tanjug reports.