If you eat watermelon more than this amount, you are at risk of five health problems

Photo: Pexels

Summer is in full swing, and with it the season of perfectly sweet and juicy watermelons. In addition to numerous summer foods that can refresh us and provide us with nutritional wealth, watermelon is one of the most popular because of its smell, taste and simplicity of consumption, as well as the affordability of the price in the height of the season. However, nothing should be overdone, including watermelon.

Despite its remarkable benefits, consuming watermelon in large quantities can actually harm your body. Here are some side effects if we eat watermelon in large quantities:

1. May cause diarrhea

Watermelon is an excellent source of water and an equally good source of dietary fiber. However, consuming large amounts can lead to digestive problems such as diarrhea (diarrhea), bloating, etc. It contains sorbitol, which is a sugar compound that promotes loose stools. Another common cause of such problems is the content of lycopene, a pigmented antioxidant that gives watermelon its color.

2. May increase glucose levels

If you are diabetic, chances are that too much watermelon can raise your blood sugar levels significantly. Although it is healthy, it has a high glycemic index (72).

3. May increase the risk of inflammation of the liver

People who drink alcohol regularly should avoid large amounts of watermelon because the high level of lycopene can react with alcohol and further cause inflammation of the liver. Excessive oxidative stress to the liver can be harmful.

4. May cause overhydration or water intoxication

Water intoxication or overhydration is a condition where your body has excess water in it, leading to a loss of sodium content. Consuming large amounts of watermelon can increase the water level in your body. If the excess water is not excreted, it can lead to an increase in blood volume, which further causes swelling in the legs, exhaustion, strain on the kidneys and more. It can also lead to a loss of sodium levels in the body.

 5. It can cause cardiovascular problems

It is known that watermelon is an excellent source of potassium, which is a vital nutrient with numerous roles in maintaining the health of the body. It helps maintain electrolyte function, keeps our heart healthy and makes our bones and muscles stronger. However, too much potassium can lead to cardiovascular problems such as irregular heartbeat, weak pulse, etc.

How much watermelon can you eat per day?

According to nutritionist and physiologist Ritesh Bavri, "100 grams of watermelon has about 30 calories. Since most of it is water, it's easy to eat even 500 grams, which means you've just eaten 150 calories. Since it's easy on the stomach, you might not feel full, so you'll eat more than you should, and then you'll reach for other foods because watermelon isn't enough for you. It also has six grams of sugar per 100 grams, so 500 grams of watermelon will end up giving you 30 grams of sugar. The ideal for most people is to eat between 100 and 150 grams of sugar per day from all foods combined. Watermelon sugar boosts this number for you.”


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