Classroom / Photo: Free Press / Dragan Mitreski

74 chairs in Tetovo classrooms will remain empty in the second half of the year

The second semester in schools in the Municipality of Tetovo began with 74 fewer students compared to the beginning of the school year. Although last year's numbers were higher, it is obvious that the trend of decreasing the number of elementary and high school students continues, both in the city and in the surrounding area.

Parents require a school transcript for their children as required documentation when enrolling in a new school, mostly in Western European countries.

"Since the beginning of the school year, according to the data we have, 57 students have left primary schools to go to the West and 17 students have left secondary schools. If this trend continues, it will be very difficult for us to operate our schools, and for society as a whole," said Nazmi Dauti, head of the Public Affairs Department at the Municipality of Tetovo.

In the Municipality of Bitola, the second semester began with 22 fewer students in secondary schools and five in primary schools. According to data from the Sector for Local Economic Development and Education in the Municipality of Shtip, however, this year there is no significant decrease in the number of students, because in addition to those who have been discharged, there are also newly enrolled students.

"In the first half of the 2024-2025 school year, 30 students have been enrolled from the five primary schools, but there are also 21 newly enrolled students. This means that we do not have a large decrease in students, and as for where the students are going, we have information for 12 that they have left the country, with their families. In secondary schools, 26 students have been enrolled, of which we have information for two that they have gone abroad, but 19 new students have also been enrolled," informs the Sector for Local Economic Development and Education of the Municipality of Shtip.

The emigration of the population, as well as the decreased birth rate, are the main reasons for the decrease in the number of students in Macedonian schools.

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