Nikola Gruevski / photo: Facebook

Gruevski's plots in Vodno are worth 5,8 million euros, the state estimates

The plots of construction land in Vodno that were confiscated by former Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski with the verdict in the case "Plots in Vodno", on charges of prosecutor Lile Stefanova, are worth 5,8 million euros, announced "Фокус".

It is a larger plot of 11.000 square meters (divided into three parts) and one plot of 2.700 square meters. The Agency for the Management of Seized Property tells the portal that an assessment has been made and that the total value of the property is approximately 5,8 million euros.

- This is about confiscated property, the construction land located in CM Centar 2, an estimate prepared by the Appraisal Bureau has arrived and it is in the amount of 354.998.700 denars, says Director Irena Ilievska for "Focus".

This means that after the valuation has been made, the property will soon have to be advertised for sale. As Director Ilievska explains, the sales have been halted because a new Statute needs to be adopted by the Government, and then new regulations need to be developed.

The plot of approximately 2.700 square meters is located near Vilma Trajkovska's residence in Vodno, and was purchased at a public auction by the company "ITK Engineering", but, as the court determined, the purchase was made for the then prime minister.

However, for the upcoming state sale of the property, the greatest interest is in whose hands the huge 11.000 square meter plot above "Panorama" in Vodno will end up, writes "Focus".

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