10 најпопуларни инстаграм-рецепти во „добата на коронавирусот“ (ФОТО)


Интернетот е преполн со рецепти кои секојдневно ни помагаат да зготвиме нешто брзо, едноставно и вкусно, но има и такви кои повеќе сакаат да се соочуваат со нови предизвици. За нив идеални се покомплицирани рецепти со вкусни рецепти кои деновиве се споделуваат на Инстаграм, а ова се десетте најпопуларни.

Тестенина со песто од кељ и ореви

Детроит пица со феферонки и пиперки

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Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers… and put them on a pan pizza with pepperoni.⁠ ⁠ Now that's one tongue-pleasing tongue twister. ?⁠ ⁠ This Detroit-Style Pan Pizza features a thick and chewy crust, melty mozzarella and crispy bits of cheese around the edges, and topped with pepperoni and two kinds of pickled peppers. YUM!⁠ ⁠ Get the recipe: https://loveoo.li/DetroitPizza (clickable link in profile!)⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ .⁠ #loveandoliveoil #panpizza #detroitstylepizza #pizzatime #pizzalove #pizzaislife #pizza? #eeeeeats #pizzalovers #pizzanight #pizzaparty #abmfoodie #foodphotography #beautifulcuisines #foodandwine #instapizza #pizzagram #feedfeed @thefeedfeed #buzzfeast #f52grams #bhgfood #huffposttaste #thekitchn #lovefood #thecookfeed #forkyeah

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Крцкав зачинет ориз

Лековита медитеранска салата со наут

Млечни колачиња со чоколада

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? SMALL. BATCH. FUDGE. BROWNIES. ? You guys know that I've been focusing on #coronabaking recipes to get us through these tough times, creating small batch and minimalist ingredient recipes like eggless chocolate chip cookies and 3 ingredient peanut butter cookies. So many of you also requested that I develop a small batch brownie recipe… AND HERE IT IS. Your favorite "better-than-supernatural" fudge brownie recipe on my blog and in my cookbook, but SCALED DOWN to a QUARTER of the original portion. It's perfect for a small family of four, or, uh, a couple like me and Erlend who ate the entire batch while binge-watching "Too Cute" on Hulu (anybody else seen that show and know what I'm talking about?). Grab the small batch recipe on Instagram Stories (which will also be saved as a highlight in my profile), or click the link in my profile to see the original—stay home, stay safe, and LET'S BAKE!

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Енчилада со запечен ориз

Макарони со сирење и спанаќ

Сладок компир со леќа, сусам и кари

Француски лазањи со пилешко и лук

Колачиња за двајца

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We spend a lot of time putting things in bowls around here and THIS IS NO EXCEPTION. Because WHY NOT make it easier to carry around your favorite crispy-edged, slightly underbaked center, melty chocolatey treat as you move from table to couch. No cookie crumbs on your sweatshirt or cozy blanket.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Here's all you need:⠀ 3 tablespoons butter, melted ⠀ 1/3 cup brown sugar ⠀ 1 egg yolk ⠀ 1/2 teaspoon vanilla ⠀ 1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons flour ⠀ 1/8 teaspoon salt ⠀ 1/8 teaspoon baking soda ⠀ 1/4 cup chocolate chips⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Mix butter and brown sugar. Whisk in egg yolk and vanilla. Stir in flour, salt, and baking soda, then chocolate chips. Divide between two 8-ounce ramekins and press gently to fill the bottom of each. Bake for 18-22 minutes at 350 degrees (18 for underbaked, 20 for semi-baked, 22 for almost fully baked). Let it sit for a bit, add a scoop of ice cream, DEVOUR.⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #dessert #pantryrecipe #cookies #easydessert #eeeeeats #easyrecipes #recipe #video #recipevideo #feedfeed #instayum #onthetable #eatingfortheinsta

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